Golf swing analysis in 3D animation vs video analysis - What’s the difference?
Ever wonder what your body and swing looks like as a 3D animation?
Well with new technology coming out every day, it’s becoming common to employ this technique in sports training and performance.
With 3D motion capture, we can now measure exactly what is happening in your golf swing - something the naked eye or a high-speed video can see. This is how we assess the biomechanics of the golf swing.
With a golf swing taking place in less than a few seconds, it’s very beneficial to have quality technology pairing up with your practice to keep your game sharp at every shot.

A 3D motion capture and analysis of your golf swing is like an MRI while a high speed video analysis is more like an X-ray of your swing.
With 3D biomechanics measurements, we're able to check each joint angle, segment speed individually and understand the relationship between how fast and how much you move in every part of your swing.
But a 3D motion capture doesn't give us the whole picture. It tells us what is happening during your swing but not why you are moving in a certain way.
And that's where Swing Lab and our team of professionals comes in.
If you want to learn more about your own swing and body connection or are looking to break a plateau that you’ve hit in your game, then get in touch with us.
Understanding your swing biomechanics is very important so that you can target the root cause and re-educate your body on the correct movement.
That will help you build a new movement pattern, and establishing the correct swing will help you improve your consistency and boost your performance as you play.
We analyze your swing mechanics in 3D using MySwing Professional and SportsboxAI and also assess your physical abilities based on the model from the Titleist Performance Institute.

That enables us to identify any limitations you may have, and work together with you and your coach to maximize your time at practice to get the best results!
MySwing Professional comes with 17 wireless sensors that turns you into a 3D avatar. In doing that, we can measure 22 different angles and traces to learn how you are using your body in the golf swing.
Best of all, this technology is available for everyone - not just professional golfers.

And it won't just help you understand your swing better - it will also enable you to see its connection to your body so you can work on improving both your fitness and golf game at the same time.
By having the correct movements through your golf swing, your joints will suffer far less stress.
Your movements will become more consistent and you won't have to worry about any risk of injuries as you increase your time playing golf this season.
Come and visit us at Swing Lab for more information or contact us for an initial consultation today.